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Uchida Y, Kurimoto R, Chiba T, Matsushima T, Oda G, Onishi I, Takeuchi Y, Gotoh N, Asahara H.: RNA binding protein ZCCHC24 maintains cancer stem like status in triple negative breast cancer. EMBO Rep, 2024 Dec;25(12):5352-5382. DOI: 10.1038/s44319-024-00282-8.

Phairuang W, Chetiyanukornkul T, Suriyawong P, Amin M, Hata M, Furuuchi M, Yamazaki M, Gotoh N, Furusho H, Yurtsever A, Watanabe S, Sun L.: Characterizing chemical, environmental, and stimulated subcellular physical characteristics of size-fractionated PMs down to PM0.1. Environ Sci Technol, 2024 Jul 16;58(28):12368-12378. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c01604.

Inubushi M, Takeuchi Y, Kitagawa Y. Radionuclide reporter imaging to visualize tumor hypoxia ex vivo and in vivo. Methods Mol Biol, 2024: 2755: 107-123.

Inubushi M, Takeuchi Y, Kitagawa Y. A luciferase reporter assay to detect cellular hypoxia in vitro. Methods Mol Biol, 2024: 2755: 77-89.

Meng S, Hara T, Sato H, Tatekawa S, Tsuji Y, Saito Y, Hamano Y, Arao Y, Gotoh N, Ogawa K, Ishii H.: Revealing neuropilin expression patterns in pancreatic cancer: From single-cell to therapeutic opportunities. Oncol Lett, 2024 Jan 22;27(3):113. DOI: 10.3892/ol.2024.14247.

Iwamoto S, Kobayashi T, Hanamatsu H, Yokota I, Teranishi Y, Iwamoto A, Kitagawa M, Ashida S, Sakurai A, Matsuo S, Myokan Y, Sugimoto A, Ushioda R, Nagata K, Gotoh N, Nakajima K, Nishikaze T, Furukawa J-I, Itano N.: Tolerable glycometabolic stress boosts cancer cell resilience through altered N-glkycosylation and Notch signaling activation. Cell Death Dis, 2024 Jan 15;15(1):53. DOI: 10.1038/s41419-024-06432-z.


Tanaka N, Okada H, Yamaguchi K, Seki M, Matsubara D, Goto N, Suzuki Y, Furukawa Y, Yamashita T, Inoue J-I, Kaneko S, Sakamoto T.: Mint3-depletion-induced energy stress sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer to chemotherapy via HSF1 inactivation. Cell Death Dis, 2023 Dec 11;14(12):815. DOI: 10.1038/s41419-023-06352-4.

Li M, Nishimura T, Takeuchi Y, Hongu T, Wang Y, Shiokawa D, Wang K, Hirose H, Sasahara A, Yano M, Ishikawa S, Inokuchi M, Ota T, Tanabe M, Tada K-I, Akiyama T, Cheng X, Liu C-C, Yamashita T, Sugano S, Uchida Y, Chiba T, Asahara H, Nakagawa M, Sato S, Miyagi Y, Shimamura T, Nagai LAE, Kanai A, Katoh M, Nomura S, Nakato R, Suzuki S, Tojo A, Voon VC, Ogawa S, Okamoto K, Foukakis T, Gotoh N.: FXYD3 functionally demarcates an ancestral breast cancer stem cell subpopulation with features of drug-tolerant persisters. J Clin Invest, 2023 Nov 15;133(22):e166666. DOI: 10.1172/JCI166666.

Relvas CEM, Nakata A, Chen G, Beer DG, Gotoh N, Fujita A.: A model-based clustering algorithm with covariates adjustment and its application to lung cancer stratification. Journal of Bioninform Comput Biol. 2023 Aug;21(4):2350019. DOI: 10.1142/S0219720023500191. Epub 2023 Sep 8.

Wang Y, Hongu T, Nishimura T, Takeuchi Y, Takano H, Daikoku T, Yao R, Gotoh N.: Mitochondrial one-carbon metabolic enzyme MTHFD2 facilitates mammary gland development during pregnancy. Biochem Biophy Res Commun, 674, 183-189, 2023. On line publication 24 July 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.06.074.



本宮綱記、後藤典子 単行本:がんゲノムぺディア (羊土社), p100, 2023.

後藤典子 生体の科学 (公益財団法人金原一郎医学医療振興財団), vol. 74(4): 312-315, 2023.

竹内康人、後藤典子 医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版株式会社)、vol. 286(7,8): 641-652, 2023.

後藤典子 Cytometry Research, vol. 32(2): p1-5, 2023. P17-21, 2023.


Noguchi M, Kohno S, Pellattiero A, Machida Y, Shibata K, Shintani N, Kohno T, Gotoh N, Takahashi C, Hirao A, Scorrano L, Kasahara A.: Inhibition of the mitochondria-shaping protein Opa1 restores sensitivity to Gefitinib in a lung adenocarcinoma resistant cell line. Cell Death Dis, April 5;14, 241, 2023.

Takeuchi Y and Gotoh N.: Inflammatory cytokines-enriched microenvironment plays key roles for the development of breast cancers. Cancer Sci, 2023 Jan 26. DOI: 10.1111/cas.15734.

Ishizaki T, Takeuchi Y, Ishibashi K, Gotoh N, Hirata E, Kuroda K.: Cryopreservation of tissues by slow-freezing using an emerging zwitterionic cryoprotectant. Sci Rep, Jan 2;13(1), 37, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-23913-3.

Sato W, Ikeda K, Gotoh N, Inoue S, Horie K.: Efp promotes growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells. Biochem Biophy Res Commun, Oct 8:624, 81-88, 2022. On line publication 30 July 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.07.071



後藤典子 千里ライフサイエンスレポート:生命科学のフロンティア, vol. 81、p7-9, 2022.


Lee J, Chen X, Wang Y, Nishimura T, Li M, Ishikawa S, Daikoku T, Kawai J, Tojo A, Gotoh N.: A novel oral inhibitor for one-carbon metabolism and checkpoint kinase 1 inhibitor as a rational combination treatment for breast cancer. Biochem Biophy Res Commun, on line publication 2 Nov 2021: DOI: org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.11.001

Takeuchi Y, Kimura N, Murayama T, Machida Y, Iejima D, Nishimura T, Terashima M, Wang Y, Li M, Sakamoto R, Yamamoto M, Itano N, Inoue Y, Ito M, Yoshida N, Inoue J-I, Akashi K, Saya H, Fujita K, Kuroda M, Kitabayashi I, Voon D, Suzuki T, Tojo A, Gotoh N.: The membrane-linked adaptor FRS2beta fashions a cytokine-rich inflammatory microenvironment that promotes breast cancer carcinogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, Oct 26:118(43), e 2103658118, 2021. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2103658118.

Reheman Y, Takeuchi Y, Nishimura T, Li M, Wang Y, Meguro-Horike M, Kohno T, Horike S, Nakata A, Gotoh N.: MUSASHI-2 confers resistance to third-generation EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor osimertinib in lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci, 2021 July 14:112(9), 3810-3821, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/cas.15036.

Kozawa K, Sekai M, Ohba K, Ito S, Sakoh H, Maruyama T, Kaneko M, Shirai T, Kamasaki T, Kohashi K, Tanaka S, Ishikawa S, Sato N, Asano S, Suzuki H, Tanimura N, Mukai Y, Gotoh N, Tanino M, Tanaka S, Natsuga K, Soga T, Nakamura T, Yabuta Y, Saitou M, Itoh T, Matsuura K, Tsunoda M, Kikumori T, Iida T, Mizutani Y, Miyai Y, Enomoto A, Fujita Y.: The CD44/COL17A1 pathway plays a vital role in the formation of transformed multi-layered epithelia. Curr Biol, 2021 May 28; S0960-9822(21)00625-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.078.

Makita H, Endo K, Kasahara Y, Nakata A, Moriyama-Kita M, Ishikawa K, Ueno T, Nakanishi Y, Kondo S, Wakisaka N, Gotoh N, Yoshizaki.: Xenografts derived from patients with head and neck cancer recapitulate patient tumor properties. Oncol Lett, 21(5), 385, 2021. DOI: 10.3892/ol.2021.12646.

Hirano M, Imai Y, Kaito Y, Murayama T, Sato K, Ishida T, Yamamoto J, Ito T, Futami M, Ri M, Yasui H, Denda T, Tanaka Y, Ota Y, Nojima M, Kamikubo Y, Gotoh N, Iida S, Handa H, Tojo A.: Small-molecule HDAC and Akt inhibitors suppress tumor growth and enhance immunotherapy in multiple myeloma. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, on line publication 23, March, 2021: 40(1), 110, 2021. DOI: 10.1186/s13046-021-01909-7.

Baba T, Yoshida T, Tanabe Y, Nishimura T, Morishita S, Gotoh N, Hirao A, Rikinari Hanayama R, and Mukaida N.: Cytoplasmic DNA accumulation preferentially triggers cell death of myeloid leukemia cells by interacting with intracellular DNA sensing pathway. Cell Death & Dis, on line publication 4, March, 2021: 12(4), 322, 2021. DOI: 10.1038/s41419-021-03587-x.

Murayama T, Takeuchi Y, Yamawaki K, Natsume T, Mengjiao L, Marcela N R-C, Nishimura T, Kogure Y, Nakata A, Tominaga K, Sasahara A, Yano M, Ishikawa S, Ohta T, Ikeda K, Horie-Inoue K, Inoue S, Seki M, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Enomoto T, Tanabe M, Tada K, Kanemaki T M, Okamoto K, Tojo A, Gotoh N.: MCM10 compensates for Myc-induced DNA replication stress in breast cancer stem-like cells. Cancer Sci, on line publication 19, December, 2020: 112(3), 1209-1224, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/cas.14776.



後藤典子 実験医学別冊:がん微小環境に1細胞レベルで挑む (羊土社)、
vol. 39(12):p23(1831)-28(1836), 2021.

後藤典子 医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版株式会社), vol. 276(6): p21810-21816, 2021.


Nishimura T, Gotoh N.: Cancer treatments targeting mitochondrial enzymes involved in one-carbon metabolism. Cytometry Research, 30(2), 9-13, 2020. DOI: org/10.18947/cytometryresearch.30.2_9

Yanagi H, Watanabe T, Nishimura T, Hayashi T, Kono S, Tsuchida H, Hirata M, Kijima Y, Takao Y, Okada S, Suzuki M, Imaizumi K, Kawada K, Minami H, Gotoh N, Shimono Y.: Upregulation of S100A10 in metastasized breast cancer stem cells. Cancer Sci, on line publication 25, September: 111, p4359, 2020. DOI: 10.1111/cas.14659.

Kanamori, A, Saitoh, Y, Fukui, Y, Inoue J-I, Matsubara D, Seiki M, Gotoh N, Murakami Y, Kaneko S, Sakamoto T.: Mint3 depletion restricts tumor malignancy of pancreatic cancer cells by decreasing SKP2 expression via HIF-1. Oncogene, on line publication 21, August: 39(39), 6218-6230, 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41388-020-01423-8.

Mitobe Y, Ikeda K, Sato W, Kodama Y, Naito M, Gotoh N, Miyata K, Kataoka K, Sasaki H, Horie-Inoue K, Inoue S.: Proliferation-associated long noncoding RNA, TMPO-AS1, is a potential therapeutic target for triple-negative breast cancer. Cancer Sci, on line publication 21, March. 2020; 111(7), 2440-2450, 2020. DOI: 10.1111/cas.14498.

Andrade F, Nakata A, Gotoh N, Fujita A.: Large miRNA survival analysis reveals a prognostic four-biomarker signature for triple negative breast cancer. Genet Mol Biol, 43(1), e20180269, 2020. DOI: 10.1590/1678-4685-GMB-2018-0269.


村山貴彦、後藤典子 CANCER BOARD of the BREAST (メジカルビュー社), vol. 6(2): p102-104, 2020.

後藤典子 医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版株式会社), vol. 273(5): p362-367, 2020.

後藤典子 Life Science Connect (羊土社、第一三共株式会社), vol. 1: p2-7, 2020.

西村建徳、東條有伸、後藤典子 BIO Clinica (北隆館), vol. 35(1): p88-91.2020.


Murayama T, Gotoh N.: Drug resistant mechanisms of cancer stem-like cells and their therapeutic potential as drug targets. Cancer Drug Resist, on line publication 20, July 2019; 2, 457-470, 2019.

Murayama T, Gotoh N.: Patient-derived xenograft models of breast cancer and their application. Cells, on line publication 28 Jun, 2019; 8(6), E621, 2019.

Gotoh N.: Elucidation of breast cancer tissue diversity by comprehensive analysis of minimum unit omics. Impact, 2019(3), 30-32, 2019.

Tominaga K, Minato H, Murayama T, Sasahara A, Nishimura T, Kiyokawa E, Kanauchi H, Shimizu S, Sato A, Nishioka K, Tsuji E, Yano M, Ogawa T, Ishii H, Mori M, Akashi K, Okamoto K, Tanabe M, Tada K, Tojo A, Gotoh N.: Semaphorin signaling via MICAL3 induces symmetric cell division to expand breast cancer stem-like cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, in press. on line publication 26 December, 2018; 116, 625-630, 2019.

・Nature index “Research Highlight”に富永さんの論文(PNAS, 116, 625-630, 2019)が


西村建徳、東條有伸、後藤典子 Medical Science Digest (ニューサイエンス社),
vol. 45(9): 36(614)-38(616).
ISBN 08651-09

村山貴彦、後藤典子 Cytometry Research, vol. 29(1): p1-6, 2019.

村山貴彦、後藤典子 実験医学別冊:患者由来がんモデルを用いたがん研究実践ガイド(羊土社)、 p117-123, 2019.

村山貴彦、後藤典子 実験医学別冊:患者由来がんモデルを用いたがん研究実践ガイド (羊土社)、p154-159, 2019.

Chen Xiaoxi, 西村建徳,後藤典子 実験医学別冊:オルガノイド実験スタンダード (羊土社), p281-289, 2019.


Tamari K, Konno M, Asai A, Koseki J, Hayashi K, Kawamoto K, Murai N, Matsufuji S, Isohashi F, Satoh T, Goto N, Tanaka S, Doki Y, Mori M, Ogawa K, Ishii H.: Polyamine flux suppresses histone lysine demethylases and enhances ID1 gene expression in cancer stem cells. Cell Death Diifer, on line publication 13 November, 2018; 4, 1-9, 2018.

Nishimura T, Nakata A, Chen X, Nishi K, Meguro-Horike M, Sasaki S, Kita K, Horike S-I, Saitoh K, Kato K, Igarashi K, Murayama T, Kohno S, Takahashi C, Mukaida N, Yano S, Soga T, Tojo A, Gotoh N.: Cancer stem-like properties and gefitinib-resistance are dependent on purine synthetic metabolism mediated by the mitochondrial enzyme MTHFD2. Oncogene; on line publication 7 December 2018; 38(14), 2464-2481, 2019.

Asai A, Koseki J, Konno M, Nishimura T, Gotoh N, Satoh T, Doki Y, Mori M, Ishii H.: Drug discovery of anti-cancer drugs targeting methylenetetrahydrofolage dehydrogenease 2. Helion, 4, e01021, 2018.


Garg A, Bansal M, Gotoh N, Feng G-S, Zhong J, Wang F, Kariminejad A, Brooks S, Zhang X.: Alx4 relays sequential FGF signaling to induce lacrimal gland morphogenesis. PLoS Genet, 13, e1007047, 2017.

Yamamoto M, Sakane K, Tominaga K, Gotoh N, Niwa T, Kikuchi Y, Tada K, Goshima N, Semba K, Inoue J-I.: Intratumoral bidirectional transitions between epithelial and mesenchymal cells in triple-negative breast cancer. Cancer Sci, 108, 1210-1222: 2017.

Kitajima S, Yoshida A, Kohno S, Suzuki S, Nagatani N, Li F, Nishimoto Y, Sasaki N, Muranaka H, Wan Y, Thai T, Okahashi N, Matsuda F, Shimizu H, Nishiuchi T, Suzuki Y, Tominaga K, Gotoh N, Suzuki M, Ewen M, Barbie D, Hirose O, Tanaka T, Takahashi C.: The RB-IL-6 axis controls self-renewal and endocrine therapy resistance by fine-tuning mitochondrial activity. Oncogene, 26. 5145-5157, 2017.

Gotoh, N. FRS2. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 2nd Edition, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2017.

Sasahara A, Tominga K, Nishimura T, Yano M, Kiyokawa E, Noguchi Miki, Noguchi Masakuni, Kanauchi H, Ogawa T, Minato H, Tada K, Seto Y, Tojo A, Gotoh N.: An autocrine/paracrine circuit of growth differentiation factor (GDF) 15 has a role for maintenance of breast cancer stem-like cells. Oncotarget, 8, 24869-24881, 2017.

Miyo M, Konno M, Nishida N, Sueda T, Noguchi K, Matsui H, Colvin H, Kawamoto K, Koseki J, Haraguchi N, Nishimura J, Hata T, Gotoh N, Matsuda F, Satoh T, Mizushima T, Shimizu H, Doki Y, Mori M, Ishii H.: Metabolic Adaptation to Nutritional Stress in Human Colorectal Cancer. Sci Rep, 6, 38415. 2016.

Sagara A, Igarashi K, Otsuka M, Karasawa T, Gotoh N, Narita M, Kuzumaki N, Narita M, Kato Y.: Intrinsic resistance to 5-Fluorouracil in a brain metastatic variant of human breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231BR. PLoS One, 11, e0164250, 2016.

Hibiya S, Tsuchiya K, Hayashi R, Fukushima K, Horita N, Nishimura T, Gotoh N, Okamoto R, Nakamura T and Watanabe M.: Long-term inflammation transforms intestinal epithelial cells of colonic organoids. J Crohns Colitis, 11, 621-630, 2017; on line publication 11 October 2016.

Tominaga K, Shimamura T, Kimura N, Murayama T, Matsubara D, Kanauchi H, Niida A, Shimizu S, Nishioka K, Tsuji E, Yano M, Sugano S, Shimono Y, Ishii H, Saya H, Mori M, Akashi K, Tada K, Ogawa T, Tojo A, Miyano S, Gotoh N.: Addiction to the IGF2-ID1-IGF2 circuit for maintenance of the breast cancer stem-like cells. Oncogene, 36, 1276-1286, 2017.


Sasaki S, Baba T, Nishimura T, Hayakawa Y, Hashimoto S, Gotoh N, Mukaida N.: Intra-bone fibroblasts promote breast cancer bone metastasis by producing connective tissue growth factor/CCN2 under the influence of cancer cell-derived chemokine, CCL4. Cancer Lett, 378, 23-32, 2016.

Murayama T, Nakaoku T, Enari T, Nishimura T, Tominaga K, Nakata A, Tojo A, Sugano S, Kohno T, Gotoh N.: Oncogenic fusion gene CD74-NRG1 confers cancer stem cell-like properties in lung cancer through a IGF2 autocrine/paracrine circuit, Cancer Res, 76, 974-983, 2016.


Hasegawa S, Nagano H, Konno M, Eguchi H, Tomokuni A, Tomimaru Y, Wada H, Hama N, Kawamoto K, Kobayashi S, Marubashi S, Nishida N, Koseki J, Gotoh N, Ohno S, Yabuta N, Nojima H, Mori M, Doki Y, Ishii H.: Cyclin G2: A novel independent prognostic marker in pancreatic cancer. Oncol Lett, 10, 2986-2990, 2015.

Konno M, Ishii H, Koseki J, Tanuma N, Nishida N, Kawamoto K, Nishimura T, Nakata A, Matsui H, Noguchi K, Ozaki M, Noguchi Y, Shima H, Gotoh N, Nagano H, Doki Y, Mori M.: Pyruvate Kinase M2, but not M1, allele maintains immature metabolic states of murine embryonic stem cells. Regenerative Therapy, 1, 63-71, 2015.

Gotoh N and Tsuchida N.: Membrane-linked docking protein. Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd Edition, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, in press.

Ogawa H, Wu X, Kawamoto K, Nishida N, Konno M, Koseki J, Matsui H, Noguchi K, Gotoh N, Yamamoto T, Miyata K, Nishiyama N, Nagano H, Yamamoto H, Obika S, Kataoka K, Doki Y, Mori M, Ishii H.: MicroRNAs Induce Epigenetic Reprogramming and Suppress Malignant Phenotypes of Human Colon Cancer Cells. PLoS One, 10, e0127119, 2015. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127119.

Konno M, Koseki J, Kawamoto K, Nishida N, Matsui H, Dewi DL, Ozaki M, Noguchi Y, Mimori K, Gotoh N, Tanuma N, Shima H, Doki Y, Mori M, Ishii H: Embryonic MicroRNA-369 controls metabolic splicing factors and urges cellular reprogramming. PLoS One, 10, e0132789, 2015.

Nadal E, Truini A, Nakata A, Lin J, Reddy RM, Chang A, Ramnath N, Gotoh N, Beer DG, Chen G: A novel serum 4-microRNA signature for lung cancer detection. Sci Rep, 5, 12464, 2015. doi: 10.1038/srep12464.

Nakata A, Yoshida R, Yamaguchi R, Yamauchi M, Tamada Y, Fujita A, Shimamura T, Imoto S, Higuchi T, Nomura M, Kimura T, Nokihara H, Higashiyama K, Kondoh K, Nishihara H, Tojo A, Yano S, Miyano S, Gotoh N.: Elevated beta-catenin pathway as a novel target for patients with resistance to EGF receptor targeting drugs. Sci Rep, 5, 13076, 2015. doi: 10.1038/srep13076.


Shima T, Miyamoto T, Kikushige Y, Yoda J, Tochigi T, Yoshimoto G, Kato K, Takenaka K, Iwasaki H, Mizuno S, Goto N, Akashi K.: The ordered acquisition of Class II and Class I mutations directs formation of human t(8;21) acute myelogenous leukemia stem cell. Exp Hematol, 42, 955-965, 2014.

Hasegawa S, Eguchi H, Nagano H, Konno M, Tomimaru Y, Wada H, Hama N, Kawamoto K, Kobayashi S, Nishida N, Koseki J, Nishimura T, Gotoh N, Ohno S, Yabuta N, Nojima H, Mori M, Doki Y, Ishii H.: MicroRNA-1246 expression associated with CCNG2-mediated chemoresistance and stemness in pancreatic cancer. Br J Cancer, 111, 1572-80, 2014.

Kohsaka S, Hinohara K, Wang L, Nishimura T, Urushido M, Yachi K, Tsuda M, Tanino M, Kimura T, Nishihara H, Gotoh N, Tanaka S.: Epiregulin enhances tumorigenicity activating ERK/MAPK pathway in glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol, 16, 960-70, 2014.

Ono K, Kita T, Sato S, O’Neill P, Mak S-S., Paschaki M, It, M, Gotoh, N, Kawakami K, Ladher RK.: Fgfr1-Frs2/3 Signalling Maintains Sensory Progenitors during Inner Ear Hair Cell Formation. PLoS Genetics, 10, e1004118, 2014.

Li H, Ta, C, Cai Z., Hertzler-Schaefer K, Collins TN, Wang F, Feng G-S, Gotoh N, Zhang X.: Frs2alpha and Shp2 signal independently of Gab to mediate FGF signaling in lens development. J Cell Sci, 127, 571-582, 2014.

Li H, Ta, C, Cai Z., Hertzler-Schaefer K, Collins TN, Wang F, Feng G-S, Gotoh N, Zhang X.: Frs2alpha and Shp2 signal independently of Gab to mediate FGF signaling in lens development. J Cell Sci, 127, 571-582, 2014.


Tomokuni A, Eguchi H, Hoshino H, Dewi DL, Nishikawa S, Kano Y, Miyoshi N, Tojo A, Kobayashi S, Gotoh N, Hinohara K, Fusaki N, Saito T, Suemizu H, Wada H, Kobayashi S, Marubashji S, Tanemura M, Doki Y, Mor, M, Ishii H, Nagano H. Effect of in vivo administration of reprogramming factors in the mouse liver. Oncol Lett, 6, 323-328, 2013.

Gotoh N.: Growth factor signaling regulates breast cancer stem cells. In Practical molecular target for suppression of cancer. Publication in Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, Begell House Inc. Publisher, CT, USA, 4, 2013.

Hashimoto M, Suizu F, Tokuyama W., Noguchi H, Hirata N, Matsuda-Lennikov M, Masuzawa M, Gotoh, N, Tanaka S. & Noguchi M.: Protooncogene TCL1b functions as an Akt kinase co-activator which exhibits oncogenic potency in vivo. Oncogenesis, 2, e70, doi: 10.1038/oncsis.2013.30.

Cai Z, Tao C, Li H, Ladher R, Gotoh N, Feng GS, Wang F. & Zhang X.: Deficient FGF signaling causes optic nerve dysgenesis and ocular coloboma. Development, 140, 2711-2723, 2013.

Kano Y, Tsuchiya K, Zheng X, Horita N, Fukushima K, Hibiya S, Yamauchi Y, Nishimura T, Hinohara K, Gotoh N, Suzuki S, Okamoto R., Nakamura T. & Watanabe M.: The acquisition of malignant potential in colon cancer is regulated by the stabilization of Atonal homolog 1 protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 432, 175-181, 2013.

Minegishi Y, Shibagaki Y, Mizutani A, Fujita F, Tezuka T, Kinoshita M, Kuroda M, Hattori S. & Gotoh N.: An adaptor protein complex of FRS2beta and CIN85/CD2AP provides a novel mechanism for ErbB2/HER2 protein downregulation. Cancer Sci, 104, 345-352, 2013.


Ohno, S., Takanashi, M., Sudo, K., Ueda, S., Ishikawa, A, Matsuyama, N., Fujita, K., Mizutani, T., Ohgi, T., Ochiya, T., Gotoh, N., Kuroda, M.:
Systemically injected exosomes targeted to EGFR deliver anti-tumor microRNA to breast cancer cells. Molecular Therapy, 21, 185-191, 2012.

Yamauchi, M., Yamaguchi, R., Nakata, A., Kohno, T., Nagasaki, M., Shimamura, T., Imoto S., Saito A., Ueno, K., Hatanaka, Y., Yoshida, R., Higuchi, T., Nomura, M., Beer, D.G., Yokota, J., Miyano, S. & Gotoh, N.:Epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase defines critical prognostic genes of stage I lung adenocarcinoma. PLoS ONE, 7, e43923, 2012.

Nakata, A. & Gotoh, N.:
Recent understanding of the molecular mechanisms for the efficacy and resistance of EGF receptor-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer. Expert Opin. Ther. Targets, 16, 771-781, 2012.

Kojima, K., Imoto, S., Yamaguchi, R., Fujita, A., Yamauchi, M., Gotoh, N. & Miyano, S.: Identifying regulational alterations in gene regulatory networks by state space representation of vector autoregressive models and variational annealing. BMC Genomics, Suppl. 1, S6, 2012.

Hinorara, K., Kobayashi S., Kanauchi, H., Shimizu, S., Nishioka, K., Tsuji, E., Tada, K., Umezawa, K., Mori, M., Ogawa, T., Inoue, J., Tojo, A. & Gotoh, N.: ErbB/NF-kB signaling controls mammosphere formation in human breast cancer. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 109, 6584-6589, 2012.


Okayama, H., Khono, T., Ishii, Y., Shimada, Y., Shiraishi, K., Iwakawa, R., Furuta, K., Tsuta, K., Shibata, T., Yamamoto, S., Watanabe, S., Sakamoto, H., Kumamoto, K., Takenoshita, S., Gotoh, N., Mizuno, H., Sarai, A., Kawano, S., Yamaguchi, R., Miyano, S. & Yokota, J.:
Identification of genes up-regulated in ALK-positive and EGFR/KRAS/ALK-negative lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res., 72; 100-111, 2011.

Nomura, M., Fukuda, T, Fujii, K., Kawamura, T., Tojo, H., Kihara, M., Bando, Y., Gazdar, A.F., Tsuboi, M., Oshiro, H., Nagao, T., Ohira, T., Ikeda, N., Gotoh, N., Kato, H., Marko-Varga, G. & Nishimura, T.: Preferential expression of potential markers for cancer stem cells in large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics, 1; 23, (3 September), 2011.

Yamauchi, M., Yoshino, I., Yamaguchi, R., Shimamura, T., Nagasaki, M., Imoto, S., Niida, A., Koizumi, F., Kohno, T., Yokota, J., Miyano, S. & Gotoh, N.: N-cadherin expression is a potential survival mechanism of gefitinib-resistant lung cancer cells. Am. J. Cancer. Res., 1; 823-833, 2011.

Gotoh, N.: Somatic mutations of the EGF receptor and their signal transducers affect the efficacy of EGF receptor-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Pathol., 4; 403-409, 2011.

Nasirujjaman K., Kimura-Yoshida, C., Gotoh, N., Hiramatsu, R. and Matsuo I.: A genetic study of the effects of reduced Frs2alpha gene dosage in exostoses development and cartilage abnormalities observed in Ext2 heterozygous mutant mice. Journal of Osaka Medical Center & Research Institute for Maternal & Child Health., 26; 101-108, 2011.

Gotoh,N.:FRS2. In:Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules.Springer,Heidelberg,Germany.


Oyama, M., Nagashima, T., Suzuki, T., Kozuka-Hata, H., Yumoto, N., Shiraishi, Y., Ikeda, K., Kuroki, Y., Gotoh, N., Ishida, T., Inoue, S., Kitano, H., Okada-Hatakeyama, M.: Integrated quantitative analysis of the phosphoproteome and transcriptome in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer. J. Biol. Chem., 286; 818-829, 2010.

Tasaki, S., Nagasaki, M., Kozuka-Hata, H., Semba, K., Gotoh, N., Hattori, S., Inoue, J., Yamamoto, T., Miyano, S., Sugano, S. and Oyama, M. : Phosphoproteomics-based modeling defines the regulatory mechanism underlying aberrant EGFR signaling. PLoS ONE, 5(11); e13926, 2010.

Gotoh, N.: Possible signaling pathways in cancer stem cells in breast cancer. In: Cancer Stem Cells, Nikolic, A. (Ed.), ITECH, Vienna, Austria.

Hinohara, K. and Gotoh, N.: Inflammatory signaling pathways in self-renewing breast cancer stem cells. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 10; 650-654, 2010.

Shimamura, T., Imoto, S., Nagasaki, M., Yamauchi, M., Yamaguchi, R., Fujita, A., Tamada, Y., Gotoh, N., Miyano, S. Collocation-based sparse estimation for constructing dynamic gene networks. Genome Inform., 24: 164-178, 2010.

Sato, T., Shimazaki, T., Naka, H, Fukami, S., Okano, H., Lax, I., Schlessinger, J. and Gotoh, N.: FGF-FRS2a-Erk axis controls a self-renewal target Hes1 and growth of neural stem/progenitor cells. Stem Cells., 28: 1661-1672, 2010.

Kojima, K., Yamaguchi, R., Imoto, S., Yamauchi, M., Nagasaki, M., Yoshida, R., Shimamura, T, Ueno, K., Higuchi, T., , Gotoh, N., Miyano, S.: A state space representation of VAR models with sparse learning for dynamic gene networks. Genome Inform., 22, 56-68, 2010.

Iejima, D., Minegichi, Y., Takenaka, K., Siswanto, A., Watanabe, M., Huang, L., Watanabe, T., Tanaka, F., Kuroda, M. and Gotoh, N.: FRS2b, a potential prognostic gene for non-small cell lung cancer, encodes a feedback inhibitor for EGF receptor family members via ERK binding. Oncogene, 29: 3087-3099, 2010.

Murohashi, M., Hinohara, K., Kuroda, M., Isagawa, T., Tsuji, S., Kobayashi, S., Umezawa, K., Tojo, A., Aburatani, H. and Gotoh, N.: Gene set enrichment analysis provides insight into novel signaling pathways in breast cancer stem cells. British J. Cancer, 102: 206-212, 2010.

Murohashi, M., Nakamura, T., Tanaka, S., Ichise, T., Yoshida, N., Yamamoto, T., Shibuya, M., Schlessinger, J. and Gotoh, N.: An FGF4-FRS2a-Cdx2 axis-in trophoblast stem cells induces BMP4 to regulate proper growth of early mouse embryos. Stem Cells, 28: 113-121, 2010.


Sanada, M., Suzuki, T., Shih, L.-Y., Otsu, M., Kato, M., Yamazaki, S., Tamura, A., Honda, H., Sakata-Yanagimoto, M., Kumano, K., Oda, H., Yamagata, T., Takita, J., Gotoh, N., Nakazaki, K., Kawamata, N., Onodera, M., Nobuyoshi, M., Hayashi, Y., Harada, H., Kurokawa, M., Chiba, S., Mori, H., Ozawa, K., Omine, M., Hirai, H., Nakauchi, H., Koeffler, P. and Ogawa, S.: Gain-of-function of mutated c-Cbl tumor suppressor in myeloid neoplasms with 11q uniparental disomy. Nature, 460, 904-909, 2009.

Iejima, D. and Gotoh, N.: FRS2b docking/scaffolding adaptor protein. Current research in cancer, Research Media, India,3, 99-107, 2009.

Kameda, Y., Ito, M., Nishimaki, T. and Gotoh, N.: FRS2alpha is required for the separation, migration, and survival of pharyngeal-endoderm derived organs including thyroid, ultimobranchial body, parathyroid, and thymus. Dev. Dyn., 238, 503-513, 2009.

Yamauchi, M., and Gotoh, N.: Molecular mechanisms determining efficacy of EGF receptor-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors help to identify biomarker candidates. Biomark. Med., 3, 139-151, 2009.

Minegishi, Y., and Gotoh, N.: Frs2beta. Nature Molecule Pages doi:10.1038/mp.a004122.01, 2009.

Minegishi, Y., Iwanari, H., Mochizuki, Y., Horii, T., Hoshino, T., Kodama, T., Hamakubo, T. and Gotoh, N.: Prominent expression of FRS2b protein in neural cells and its association with intracellular vesicles. FEBS lett., 583, 807-814, 2009.

Sato T. and Gotoh, N.: The FRS2 family of docking/scaffold adaptor proteins as therapeutic targets of cancer treatment. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 13, 689-700, 2009.

Sato, T. and Gotoh, N.: Frs2alpha. Nature Molecule Pages,
doi:10.1038/mp.a000967.01, 2009.

Gotoh, N.: Control of stemness by fibroblast growth factor signaling in stem cells and cancer stem cells. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 4, 9-15, 2009.

Gotoh, N.: Feedback inhibitors of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathways. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 41, 511-515, 2009.


Yamaguchi, R., Imoto, S., Yamauchi, M., Nagasaki, M., Yoshida, R., Shimamura, T., Hatanaka, Y., Ueno, K., Higuchi, T., Gotoh, N. and Miyano, S.: Predicting differences in gene regulatory systems by state space models. Genome Infomatics, 21, 101-113, 2008.

Gotoh, N.: Regulation of growth factor signaling by FRS2 family docking/scaffold adaptor proteins. Cancer Sci., 99, 1319-1325, 2008.

Kameda, Y., Ito, M., Nishimaki T. and Gotoh, N.: FRS2a2F/2F mutant mice lack the carotid body and exhibit sympathetic ganglia and carotid sinus nerve abnormalities. Dev. Biol., 314, 236-247, 2008.

Gotoh, N. and Tsuchida, N.: Membrane-linked docking protein. Encyclopedia of Cancer, 2nd Edition, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 1819-1823, July 4, 2008.


Kang, E.S., Oh, M.A., Lee, S.A., Kim, T.Y., Kim, S.H., Gotoh, N., Kim, Y.N. and Lee, J.W.: EGFR phosphorylation-dependent formation of cell-cell contacts by Ras/Erks cascade inhibition. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1773, 833-843, 2007.

Huang, L., Watanabe, M., Chikamori, M., Kido, Y., Yamamoto, T., Shibuya, M., Gotoh, N. and Tsuchida, N.: Unique role of SNT-2/FRS2b/FRS3 docking/adaptor protein for negative regulation of EGF receptor tyrosine kinase pathways. Oncogene, 25, 6457-6466, 2006.
(Gotoh, N. and Tsuchida, N. contributed equally to this work.)

Yamamoto, S., Yoshino, I., Shimazaki, T., Murohashi, M., Hevner, R. F., Lax, I., Okano, H., Shibuya, M., Schlessinger, J. and Gotoh, N.: Essential role of Shp2-binding sites on the docking protein FRS2a for mamalian corticogenesis and for FGF2-dependent proliferation of cultured neural progenitor cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 102, 15983-15988, 2005.

Gotoh, N., Manova, K., Tanaka, S., Murohashi, M., Hadari, Y., Lee, A., Hamada, Y., Hiroe, T., Ito, M., Kurihara, T., Nakazato, H., Shibuya, M., Lax, I., Lacy, E. & Schlessinger, J.: The docking protein FRS2a is an essential component of multiple FGF responses during early mouse development. Mol. Cell. Biol, 25, 4105-4116, 2005.

Gotoh, N., Ito, M., Yamamoto, S., Yoshino, I., Song, N., Wang, Y., Lax, I., Schlessinger, J., Shibuya, M. & Lang, R. A.: Tyrosine phosphorylation sites on FRS2a responsible for Shp2 recruitment are critical for induction of lens and retina. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 17144-17149, 2004.

Huang, L., Gotoh, N., Zhang, S., Shibuya, M., Yamamoto, T. & Tsuchida, N.: SNT-2 interacts with ERK2 and negatively regulates ERK2 signaling in response to EGF stimulation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 324, 1011-1017, 2004.

Gotoh, N., Laks, S., Nakashima, M., Lax, I. & Schlessinger, J.: FRS2 family docking proteins with overlapping roles in activation of MAP kinase have distinct spatial-temporal patterns of expression of their transcripts. FEBS lett., 564, 14-18, 2004.

Nakamura, T., Komiya, M., Sone, K., Hirose, E., Gotoh, N., Morii, H., Ohta, Y. & Mori, N.: Grit, a GTPase-activating protein for the Rho family, regulates neurite extension through association with the TrkA receptor and N-Shc and Crk/Crk adapter molecules. Mol. Cell. Biol., 22, 8721-8734, 2002.

Maida, Y., Kyo, S., Kanaya T., Wang, Z., Takakura, M., Yatabe, N., Tanaka, M., Nakamura, M., Hisamoto, K., Ohmichi, M., Gotoh, N. & Inoue, M.: EGF directly activates telomerase via Ets-mediated transactivation of TERT through MAP kinase signaling pathway. Oncogene, 21, 4071-4079, 2002.

Nakamura, T., Komiya, M., Gotoh, N., Koizumi, S., Shibuya, M. & Mori, N.: Discrimination between phosphotyrosine-mediated signaling properties of conventional and neuronal Shc adaptor molecules. Oncogene, 21, 22-31, 2002.

Onishi-Haraikawa, Y., Funaki, M., Gotoh, N., Shibuya, M., Inukai, K., Katagiri, H., Fukushima, Y., Anai, M., Ogihara, T., Sakoda, H., Ono, H., Kikuchi, M., Oka, Y. & Asano, T.: Unique phosphorylation mechanism of Gab1 using PI 3-kinase as an adaptor protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 288, 476-482, 2001.

Hadari, YR., Gotoh, N., Kouhara, H., Lax, I. & Schlessinger, J. : Critical role for docking protein FRS2a in FGF-receptor mediated signal transduction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98, 8578-8583, 2001.

Ong, SH., Hadari, YR., Gotoh, N., Guy, GR., Schlessinger, J. & Lax, I.: Stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase by fibroblast growth factor receptors is mediated by coordinated recruitment of multiple docking proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98, 6074-6079, 2001.

Xue, Y., Wang, X., Li, Z., Gotoh, N., Chapman, D. & Skolnik, EY.: Mesodermal patterning defect in mice lacking the Ste20 NCK interacting kinase (NIK). Development, 128, 1559-1572, 2001.

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